AzProduct AzProduct
  • 285


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  • Deadline 19 Aprel 2025
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Müraciət üçün aşağıdakı email ünvanı köçürmək lazımdır.


About company

Azproduct LLC was established by Shamkhal Mammadov. It is a brand in wholesale sea food trading business which supplies a bulk of sea foods to hotels and caterers since 2012. Our passion for seafood led us to places known and unknown, and we learned that a great  variety of quality seafood is available if you're willing to make the effort. Currently, we see that except sea-food all items are more or less delivered right to your doorstep. But still, you have to rely on local vendors or local fish market to buy your fish where there is no guarantee of the fish quality. To avoid this and make your purchase a simple and of high quality we have planned to retail our catch directly to households.